Regal Heights accepts admissions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our admissions office will work closely with your care provider to make your admission process to Regal Heights a smooth and pleasant experience. The Director of Admissions will be glad to discuss any questions you may have. Facility tours are available for your convenience. A member from the Regal Heights team follows up with patients and their families with regard to care-planning, progress reports, short and long-term goals, therapy and nursing care. The social worker assists with discharge planning as well as set up of proper homecare and in-home equipment required upon discharge.
payment options
There are many payment options to choose from, making it one less concern for family members and allowing them to simply focus on the care and treatment of their loved ones at Regal Heights.
and more
items you should bring with you from home
Including conditioners, hair spray, mousse, or gels
Hair supplies
A brush and/or comb
9 full sets of undergarments
7 pairs of stockings or socks
1 robe
4 nightgowns or pajama sets
1 coat or jacket
2 washable sweaters
2 pairs of washable, non-skid slippers
2 pairs of flat, non-skid shoes
7 casual outfits
2 belts
Additional items you may want to bring
Small, covered clothes hamper
If you elect not to have laundry done through our laundry service.
Pictures, photographs, favorite objects, and lamps**
(residents are encouraged to place their names on these and other objects)
A favorite throw, afghan, or blanket
An address book, emergency contacts list, and a calendar with important family dates marked.
**All electronics must have a UL listed tag and be inspected by our maintenance department prior to use in rooms.